Key Points
• Proven method to accurately measure and profile core PM processes
• Measure and define PM core competencies on a consistent basis
• The ability to measure and benchmark the entire PM activity
• Accurately define PM critical success factors
• Optimise and control the Product Management process / activity
• Identification of your process Strengths and Weaknesses
• Profile against against a best practice PM benchmark
• Foundation principles of Continuous Improvement mapping
• Process optimisation - Integrated part of delivering World Class Products
The ability to ‘measure’ is an important aspect in any management activity. If you can measure, you have the ability to continuously improve, which is the basis for competitive advantage.
IPM are able to offer a professional PM profile of your product management activity, processes and personnel. The profile itself is designed from ‘real world’ researched attributes of measurement (...which can be adjusted accordingly if required) and enables, business directors, product managers and members of the multidisciplinary team to directly improve their related performance in the defined key areas. Measures and attributes can then be directly related to Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) and personal objectives.
1. Profile Questionnaire - This comprises a well researched (generic profile) questionnaire, which
can be customised to include specific questions as appropriate.
2. Profile Distribution - The ‘questionnaire’ is e-mailed directly to all chosen participants within your
company (note: profiles from individual participants can remain anonymous) via a secure on-line
service. The above diagram indicates that the (same) profile questions are distributed to
Company Directors, Product Managers and Functional Heads of Department, however this list is
not exhaustive and can include additional participants not listed here. The standard
questionnaire has approximately 60 questions (slider entry) and requires about 15mins to
complete and specific comments can also be made by participants.
3. Compiled Profiles / Consolidated - Profiles are automatically compiled at this stage ensuring
absolute security and integrity is maintained throughout this process. The compiled results are
then meticulously analysed by hand and then summarised.
4. Executive Report + Presentation - An executive report is then produced to include the following;
Gap analysis, Observations, Strategic Alignment, Strengths and Weaknesses, Improvement
Objectives, Recommendations, Key Performance Indicators. The report is then summarised and
presented at a location of your choice - Alternatively a dedicated on line webinar can be used for
this purpose with invitations sent out as required.
5. Management Dashboard - A management dashboard is available as an option - and represents an
overview of a given PM profile. (please contact us for further information).
All organisations are bound by their culture and the cultural style determines the quality of organisational performance. It is, however, the Cultural Environment that motivates individuals within the company and a culture of continuous improvement is dependent upon creative innovation. The ability to develop and maintain genuine competitive advantage largely depends upon the company’s ability to manage change effectively and thus have the ability to turn ideas into practice - a Creative Culture is where it all begins
Creative thoughts and ideas are a valuable way to improve performance by accommodating and innovating change. Their presence is also a clear indication of the quality of the working environment. A person or a group of people who enjoy their work, obtain satisfaction from it and are encouraged to express their ideas freely and openly will tend to be more creative, more productive and feel more secure than when working under constraints and repressions. In turn, because they have the right positive attitude towards their work, problems will be avoided or resolved more easily, new ideas will increase productivity, and so on in a cycle of continuous improvement.
The level of creativity therefore becomes a measure of the quality of the working environment. This is called the ‘creative environment’ and its measurement produces a ‘Creative Profile’. In completing the Creativity Profile Questionnaire, the participants gain an understanding of the quality of their existing work situation and how it can be improved. The Creativity Profile is a subjective snap-shot measure of an individual and personal perception of the ‘creative environment’ in which s/he works. It identifies those factors that encourage creativity and those that are inhibiting.
Whilst each profile is a personal assessment, when taken together with others from the same work group, the combined assessments form an accurate picture of the level of creativity and hence the quality of the work environment.
The completed Profile is a benchmark ‘creativity index’ against which future measurements can be compared and improvements monitored. A model is given overleaf showing how repeating the Creativity Profile exercise from time to time becomes a simple practical method for the continuous improvement of any work situation